I conducted several tests on how my devices charge.

Interestingly, different voltage is available for different types of devices:

  • iPhone 5B
  • iPad 5V or 15V
  • MacBook 20V

When the screen is locked, the current is 2 times less than when the screen is unlocked.

Basically, for a battery, the slower it charges, the better. At the same time, it is necessary that:

  • it was charged from scratch overnight
  • when working from the mains, the charge did not decrease

You need to pay attention to the power of the port and the power of the entire device. For example, the adapter can be 65W, but each port is 15W. At the same time, there may be a power of 20W per adapter and several ports: if you connect wires to all of them, then each may have a small power.

It can be divided by power into:

  • very weak (less than 10W) – in fact, only some USB light bulbs
  • weak (10-12W) – excellent for night charging of phones and tablets, good during the day, the laptop does not charge (initially I thought that they were also completely ineffective, but in locked mode they are no longer consumed)
  • medium (20-30W) – better for a tablet (with the screen unlocked), the laptop does not hold or almost does not hold
  • powerful (40-60W) – fully charge a sleeping laptop, but a working one depends on the load
  • very powerful (100-240W) – a 100W laptop consumes quite a lot, with such a charge it usually does not discharge, so 100W is enough

Chinese 100W wires work quite well at 100W, oddly enough. Initially I thought there would be some problems with the wires, but no.

Practical conclusion: you can take 2 charges on trips (for 20-30W and 40-65W) – this is quite enough (to lighten the weight and reduce the volume). So far, there is no second charge, I will take the usual one (so far I don’t see the point in buying a new one).